Week 9: External Recognition

In today’s session we had to reflect upon the new learning in the last 8 weeks. It’s always interesting to be at the student’s point of view when undertaking  an exam. It makes you think about your teaching, have you covered all the aspects of the strands, have you provided all the right resources and materials that will help their learning. When undertaking the exams, I had to re-read some of the questions before answering. Again with that,, it does make me think and wonder whether my questions are clear to the students.

Although the DFI has come to an end, I will continue to use this edublog professional page as a portal for others to take a view inside my classroom. This will also help me to become more fluent on using edublog which in turn will help me teach my students to be confident with their blogging. I have come to realise that continuing this page allows me to update with what tools or apps I have used and how they are used in the classroom, but also keeps me on my toes of how to maximise the use of digital learning in class.

Undertaking the DFI course has definitely upskilled my personal digital knowledge. Since this courses started, I have used majority of the new skills I have learnt, and have implemented them in class. Some will be used next term, especially playing around with Google Sites for our inquiry and creating a Multi-Modal for it.

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